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Intrinsic Motivation

The Normal Personality

Steven Reiss's Heritage

In The Normal Personality, Steven Reiss argues that human beings are naturally intolerant of people who express values significantly different from their own. Because of this intolerance, psychologists and psychiatrists sometimes confuse individuality with abnormality and thus overdiagnose disorders.

Reiss shows how normal motives – not anxiety or traumatic childhood experiences – underlie many personality and relationship problems, such as divorce, infidelity, combativeness, workaholism, loneliness, authoritarianism, weak leadership style, perfectionism, under achievement, arrogance, extravagance, stuffed shirt, disloyalty, disorganization, and over anxiety.

Calling for greater understanding and tolerance of all kinds of personalities, Reiss applies his theory of motivation to leadership, human development, relationships, and counseling.

Sometimes we become so consumed by our daily business that we forget to take a look at the larger picture of who we are and where we are headed in life. We go through the actions of work, children, and chores, and it takes an extraordinary event, such as a life-threatening illness, the death of a loved one, or a major career change, to focus our attention on the meaning in our lives.

A Tribute to

Steven Reiss

A Mentor with a clear Message

When we are faced with tragedy, we review what we have done, think about what we might have done, and wonder what it all means.We become

clear on what it is we desire most.We learn who we are and what we truly value.

Universal basic desires encompass the intrinsic motivations common to all individuals. These desires hold psychological significance, providing temporary satisfaction before resurfacing and fueling new behaviors. Rooted in our genetic and evolutionary origins, these desires are defined by our goals, aspirations, and intentions. For instance, honor drives our pursuit of character, independence fuels our desire for self-reliance, tranquility seeks safety, and vengeance fuels our need to confront and conquer. These universal goals are intertwined with the essence of human nature.

Universal Basic Desires


Intensity of motivation refers to the strength or degree of an individual's basic desires. It is a key factor in understanding personality traits and behaviors. The intensity of motivation can be categorized into strong, average, and weak intensities.

Strong-intensity desires indicate a stronger-than-average need.

People develop habits, or personality traits, to satiate these desires repeatedly. For example, a person with a high-intensity need to think is motivated to spend so much time engaged in intellectual activities that he or she shows traits of an intellectual.

Weak-intensity desires indicate a weaker-than-average need.

People develop habits, called personality traits, to satiate these desires repeatedly. For example, a person with a low-intensity need to think is motivated to spend such little time engaged in intellectual activities that he or she will show traits of a practical, action-oriented person.

Average-intensity desires indicate an average need. 

Intensity of Motivation


Self-hugging is a natural tendency to believe that our values are the best, not just for us, but potentially for everyone.


When people discover that a particular lifestyle makes them happy, they often think they have learned something about human nature, when in reality they have only learned something about themselves.


This concept explains why people with opposite pursuits tend to misunderstand each other and quarrel repeatedly. Self-hugging occurs with regard to our strongest and weakest basic desires.


Strong basic desires motivate us to embrace strong values, which makes it more difficult for us to understand people who hold opposite values.

Weak basic desires have similar effects, but they motivate opposite values.



Steven Reiss's Research

The Science of Motivation

Steven Reiss was a renowned Professor of Psychology who made significant contributions to the field of human motivation and mental health aspects of mental retardation. He developed the Reiss Motivation Profile®, a test that provides a complete picture of a person's motivation and basic desire structure.

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